The best for the weakest
Today, Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, participates in the conference on Technology for Good. Digital Solidarity, Social Ecosystem. Technology, Powerful Ally for the Third Sector [see news Tecnology for the Third Sector].
Here is his introductory speech:
Good morning to all of you,
It’s a pleasure to have the opportunity to introduce this important event.
We cannot deny that:
Digital technology is changing not only the global labour market, but also the way in which we work, develop and live;
This technological progress takes place very rapidly and is creating a wide range of opportunities, as well as great challenges that we must face to find new opportunities;
There is a clear risk of exclusion, the risk that technology will not be used to benefit everyone, but only a few, thereby increasing inequality and deepening what we refer to as global challenges.
This is why I appreciate the title of the event – Technology for Good – because it places the emphasis on the need to promote access to and use of digital technology for the common good, for solidarity, to increase the ability of organization that work for others and, in general, to promote empowerment in the rapid scientific and technological changes, as well as great global issues.
At the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, we are working to make a dream come true, to create an inclusive knowledge society that in the complex world of the 21st century means global education, life education, an education that will provide everyone not only with awareness of the changes that are taking place, but also that will allow us to face these changes with an open mind, technological ability and self-enterprise. This is why we developed the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, an environment dedicated to innovation and youth. Our gym provides innovation at 360 degrees: technological, social and civic innovation. It is a place where innovation becomes an exceptional educational channel to nurture self-enterprise and, if the conditions are favourable, even enterprise and start-ups.
The main protagonist of the Phyrtual Innovation Gym is the school system and its young students in transition, such as the unemployed, NEETS or simply young men and women searching for a future. At the Gym, they are introduced to a world of technology that includes: coding, apps, robotics, fab labs, 3D animation, video games, virtual reality, the Internet of Things, and much more. This is the world of the present and of their future. We want to give them the best as we believe in the principle of “the best for the weakest.” We want to help them develop their full self-enterprise potential with all the opportunities provided by digital technology.
We have even created a national network of Phyrtual Innovation Gyms in over one hundred schools throughout Italy. In 2015, the Fondazione reached out to nearly 25,000 young men and women. And we hope to continue collaborating with important organisations such as Microsoft, TechSoup and the Fondazione Cariplo to improve the life of many of them, even with technology.
Digital Solidarity, Social Ecosystem.
Technology, Powerful Ally for the Third Sector
Rome, June 8, 2016
Sala Pietro da Cortona, Musei Capitolini, Piazza del Campidoglio