
Is ICT-Based Innovation in Educational Systems Truly Important? Overview of Key Development, Trends and Policies Shaping Education in the 21st Century
ICT-based Innovation in a Primary School in Belgium

ICT-based Innovation in a Primary School in Belgium

CEC Project LEIPS, 2010. Abstract: This paper examines a process of...

Insights into the Governance-Shaping Process of Bangladesh’s Village Phone Strategic Alliance

Insights into the Governance-Shaping Process of Bangladesh’s Village Phone Strategic Alliance

The University of Edinburgh Business School /Fondazione Mondo Digitale, 2008. 55...

L’Innovazione nelle Scuole di Roma. Esperienze raccolte nell’anno scolastico 2007-2008

L’Innovazione nelle Scuole di Roma. Esperienze raccolte nell’anno scolastico 2007-2008

Molina-Fuenzalida, Alfonso; Falcetta, I. Fondazione Mondo Digitale, 2008.

Towards an inclusive knowledge society in Rome-Lazio
Towards an inclusive knowledge society in Italy

Towards an inclusive knowledge society in Italy

Fondazione Mondo Digitale, 2008.

ICT-based Innovation in Stockholm’s Secondary Schools – Advancing Towards ‘Collaborative-Personalization’ in Education
What is Happening with ICT-based Innovation in Educational Systems? Overview of Educational Vision, Concepts, Difficulties and Developments for 21st Century Education
Understanding the Nature of ICT-based Innovation Processes in Education – A Theoretical Framework for Informing Policy, Research and Action
Breaking Down Barriers and Walls