Life Education
“An innovative school is a school that guarantees the lifelong possibility of accessing the treasure of education, which allows us to learn to learn, always and everywhere. ICT provides a precious set of tools to develop this type of school and promotes the habit of lifelong learning in individuals. This can be achieved if schools, as in many parts of the globe already happens for primary education, abandon traditional teaching and learning by rote separately for each subject and embrace the new multidisciplinary horizons to reach transversal skills” [from the Preface by Tullio De Mauro].
Life Education and Digital Inclusion. Innovative Strategies for School and Adult Learning (Edizioni Erickson, original title: Educazione per la vita e inclusione digitale. Strategie innovative per la scuola e la formazione degli adulti) presents the model developed by Alfonso Molina, co-founder and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Alfonso Molina is also Personal Chair in Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh, where he taught for over 20 years. This new publication “condenses and proposes to our schools a long career of international and specialist studies and fifteen years of experience with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale addressing the digital divide and the promotion of social and cultural inclusion.”
Today, speaking about “digital inclusion” does not just mean providing citizens with basic computer skills. It means promoting an innovation culture which aims to fully develop individuals professionally, as active citizens and socially to fight exclusion and promote community development and develop systemic solutions to today’s challenges. It means putting education back at the centre of our lives as a motor for transformation and development, integrating the acquisition of knowledge, transversal skills, soft skills and personal character through innovative and multidisciplinary programmes. This is the objective of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, moulding research and practice to reach a democratic knowledge society in which all the advantages created by knowledge, new technology and innovation benefit everyone, without any type of discrimination.
In this publication, the authors present the theoretical and ethical framework that guides their reflections and underlie the actions and projects that have been implemented and which can be extended to extremely different contexts and social categories.
Educazione per la vita e inclusione digitale
Strategie innovative per la scuola e la formazione degli adulti
Alfonso Molina, Maria Mannino
Format: 17×24
Pages: 126
ISBN: 9788859011828
Series: le GUIDE
Editor: Erickson
Price: 18,50 euro
Publication date: 01/09/2016
- Preface (Tullio De Mauro)
- Introduction (Mirta Michilli)
- Old and New Education
- The Human Capital
- The “Life Education” Model: from self-awareness to lifelong learning
- Life Education and Social Innovation
- Life Education in the Phyrtual Innovation Gym
- Life Education in Smart Cities
- Conclusion (Mirta Michilli)