Kite Flying against Femicide

Kite Flying against Femicide

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

After the flash mob with the boats along the rivers to remember the victims of feminicide, launched by Scientific Director Alfonso Molina, we proposed that the educational communities work on the element of air with the construction of a kite, free to soar amongst the winds. And then to organize an event, flash mob style, for the collective launch of kites, with shared thoughts written on their “wings” on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, on Saturday, November 25.

And here is our kite, built as per the instructions that we shared [see news: Kites Flying Against Femicides].

And not only today, indeed every day is “right” to fly your kite … Document and share your initiatives with us using hashtag #voloperilcambiamento.

Non solo oggi, ogni giorno è “giusto” per lanciare in volo il vostro aquilone… Vi invitiamo a documentare e condividere le vostre iniziative usando l’hashtag #voloperilcambiamento.