An Engagement Issue
Companies with personnel that is deeply involved in the organisation’s work and life offer a better economic return to their investors: 19% more than the average. Low work engagement also makes it hard to withhold talent in a company. In fact, 40% of non-engaged personnel are willing to leave a given company for a new work proposal against only 13% of truly engaged personnel.
This data emerges from a study conducted by the BlessingWhite Consultants who analysed ca. 11,000 interviews and concluded that only one third of all employees (31%) feels engaged by their work and company.
The importance of personnel involvement in productivity and wellbeing on the job is also addressed by the State of the Global Workplace Report. Gallup, a Performance Management Consulting Group, analysed the situation in 142 countries, including Italy. Only 14% feels deeply involved, while 68% does not. And 18% actively tries to sabotage the business unit in which he or she work.
How can personnel be motivated? What new leadership capabilities are required for engagement in the digital era?
The focus of the 7th Annual Global Drucker Forum, one of the topmost management congresses in Europe, addresses this issue: “Claiming our Humanity: managing in the digital age“.
Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy, University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director, Fondazione Mondo Digitale will participate on behalf of the FMD.
Alfonso Molina has studied engagement management for non-profit organisations.
The “Towards a Knowledge-oriented Non-profit Organisation (Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Rome, 2011) is available on-line both in Italian and English.